Replacement Annual Filter Kit for CleanLeaf CL-1250D-C7 Air Cleaner
One year annual kit includes the following;
Four (4) - Pleated Prefilters
This medium-efficiency pleated pre-filter catches any large particulate that may exist in your environment. The primary purpose of a pre-filter is to increase the lifetime of the subsequent filters. A MERV 10 efficiency provides the best balance between restriction and capture rate.
Change quarterly -
Two (2) - Bag Filters
A whopping 28 inches of bag filtration captures dust and other fine particles. The major elements affecting your grow environment include mold, powdery mildew, and pollen. All of these elements exceed a micron size of 2. The bag filter captures 95% of particles that are 1 micron in size, but it is 100% efficient at 2 microns or larger. All molds, powdery mildew, and pollen will be captured by this filter.
Change semi-annually -
Two (2) - Carbon Afterfilters
Carbon has been consistently proven to be the only safe method for removing odors from the air. Each of the CleanLeaf CL-1250D-C7units includes 7 pounds of carbon.
Change semi-annually
Filter configurations and change-out times are based on standard recommendations.
For use in the following CleanLeaf Air Filtration Systems;
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