VOC Kit for EverClear CM-11F Smoke Eater - 50/50 Carbon/Potassium Permanganate
There are 2 VOC filter modules inside the CM-11F Smoke Eater. Each filter module holds 10 disposable panels, for a total of 20 in each unit. The Smoke Eater CM-11F contains the highest amount of carbon/potassiumpermanganate available in a flush mount system.
Carbon/PP is an excellent choice for removing odors, VOCs, and gases. It's superior at removing pollution in indoor environments including cigar bars, welding shops, pet grooming facilities, wineries, breweries, billiard and pool rooms, bingo halls, bowling alleys, employee, car dealer showrooms, auto mechanic garages, hospitals, clinics, photography labs, restaurants and more.
The frequency of filter changes will vary, depending on the severity of your application. Replace every 18-36 months.
For use in the following Smoke Eater(s);Recently viewed products